A message from Archangel Michael: A heart full of gratitude 1.5
"When you allow yourself to be filled with gratitude, your heart opens up. Gratitude is a virtue and when you practice it, when you are in it, when you vibrate it fully, other lower fears, worries Energy, anxiety, anger, depression cannot actively exist within it. The power of gratitude's presence can do both: transform and transform, which outcome occurs depends on your heart. The frequency of gratitude vibration and how much of it is within you heart, from your heart, not just from your mind.
Vibrate the frequency of gratitude through your entire energy field, your entire heart field, all levels and aspects of the heart, and the three parts and functions of the heart. It can transform gratitude (if its vibration is as deep as you are capable of) and it can transform one energy into another. ""
If you are seeking help for physical, mental and spiritual healing, please contact Rika and let us explore the spiritual journey together. We are happy to meet you on earth and experience the warm power of angels.
#Mercisoul #ArchangelMessage #AngelMessage